How I Published In The Fiddlehead

How I Published In The Fiddlehead

By Tamara Jong I first wrote the creative nonfiction piece “Lessons” in a class taught by Ayelet Tsabari in 2014. I had just started writing nonfiction. I workshopped this story in class, then had it edited by Ayelet. So, I’ve been working on the story for...
How I published in Barren Magazine

How I published in Barren Magazine

By Lyndall Cain This piece was meant to be about publishing, but it’s ended up being more about rejection. Because you can’t really have the one without the other, at least not in my experience. I published Imaginary Mother, my first fiction piece to ever be...
How I Published in Atticus Review

How I Published in Atticus Review

By Lucy Wilde There are two main reasons I wanted to see my work in Atticus Review, the quality of the writing and the fact that they are interested in publishing hybrid, unconventional work that pushes boundaries. I submitted to them twice and was accepted the second...
How I Published in Entropy

How I Published in Entropy

By Kimberly Peterson [Editor’s note: Shortly after this article was published, Entropy announced they will close at the end of 2021. They will be missed.] Entropy is unique as a publication because it includes a variety of editors with diverse interests seeking...
How I Published in Prairie Fire

How I Published in Prairie Fire

By Linda Trinh My CNF piece “Incense and Ancestors” was published in Prairie Fire in the summer 2018 Vol.39 No.2 issue. Prairie Fire is published in Winnipeg/Treaty 1 territory, the traditional territory of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene Peoples,...

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