Lit Mag Love Anthology
Welcome to the first anthology of writing produced by alumni of the Lit Mag Love Course.
Each poem or story in this collection first found a home in a literary magazine (a.k.a. lit mag). This anthology republishes these works alongside the tale of how each author successfully submitted to lit mags. I’m so thrilled to show the results of the dedicated writing and submitting practices of these writers—this is
—Editor, Rachel Thompson
Featuring Writing First Published In:
The Antigonish Review, Anti-Heroin Chic, The Cabinet of Heed, carte blanche,
Jody Baltessen
Ellen Chang-Richardson
Elizabeth Cone
Sharon Dale Wexler
Heather Diamond
Shirley Harshenin
Julie Hart
Yolande House
Dawn Hurley-Chapman
Hege A. Jakobsen Lepri
Tamara Jong
Michelle Kelm
Lina Lau
Rachel Laverdiere
Rowan McCandless
Margaret Nowaczyk
Deanna Partridge-David
Kimberly Peterson
Prue Rains
Patricia Sandberg
Andrea Schwenke Wyile
Lori Sebastianutti
A.K. Shakour
Mary Vlooswyk
Karen Zey

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