A sketched heart.

The Whole Book

A Solid Outline of Your Book With Help

For writers embarking on a book-length project in any genre.

Registration Now Closed

A book floating in the air

Join a supportive small-group of writers working on books

This course is open to six writers.


Writer in library writing
Writer working outside on workbook
Writer reading books on the floor

The Whole Book is For You if…

  • You have published some writing in journals, a chapbook or a book and are currently working on a book-length project.
  • Want to join a dedicated group of writers you can run ideas by, and who will share their experiences, too, so that you can move forward with your book and writing career.
  • You’re ready to get support and helpful feedback from an experienced editor and a group of warm and committed peers.

Whole Book Course Details


Course Outline

During the Whole Book Course, writers take their book-length projects from draft/idea to concrete plan.

In this small group course, you will get feedback on sample chapters/a full poetry manuscript/complete book outline (or reverse-outline) in a workshop led by Rachel.

We start with tools and resources for outlining a book, then we meet weekly for feedback on your progress and to discuss your challenges and solutions.

The course includes two one-on-one mentoring meetings with Rachel to answer questions and ensure you’re on track.

A book floating in the air
Rachel reviewing manuscript
  • Book outlining resources, and instruction
  • Weekly craft assignments
  • Guided workshop to get feedback on your book project
  • Two one-on-one mentoring meetings with Rachel to answer questions, make sure you’re on track, and get feedback on your book-in-progress
A sketched heart.

what writers say about the Course

In this video, hear from three writers who took the Whole Book course.
I start by describing why I created the course, then talk to alums about their experience in the Whole Book course, then answer questions from writers about the course.

A sketched heart.

here is more of what writers in our community have said about the Whole Book course…

You’ve managed to have really awesome talented writers gravitate towards your programs. There’s such magic that happens, all the different perspectives, too, were super helpful. I’m really, really incredibly thankful for the Whole Book and I feel super grateful to everyone in the group.

Sherine Elbanhawy

The course was clearly laid out and tailored to each person. I appreciated the guidance on creating chapter/book outlines and sharing them with each other to talk about in detail. The workshopping process was instrumental for me in better understanding my book project, and the weekly check-ins helped to keep up the momentum. I never would have considered writing a book without the support of Rachel and this program.

Lina Lau

I loved getting to know other people’s manuscripts, and I really liked the variety of forms and content that we were working with. I learned so much from giving feedback to other people, and from hearing theirs. Everybody in the class was kind, generous and helpful. When confidence falters and doubt creeps in it’s wonderful to be working with supportive, encouraging writers who know what you’re trying to do and who are cheering you on. In the company of my dear allies in the Whole Book course I went from being frightened of my giant octopus of a manuscript to viewing it as an exciting project that I could finish and be proud of.

Miche Genest

I am so grateful for your platform and the community that you have created because it allows for a running dialogue, where ideas are shared and discussed. Sharing insights with other writers who are engaged in similar pursuits has energized and strengthened my writing practice.

Wendy Atwell

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