✨ Platform Sparkle ✨

Build a brilliant online presence for your writing—with lots of guidance and support!

Create beautiful visual branding, launch a simple-to-use website, and rally resources to resonate on social mediaall in a way that fits you.

Gain confidence, know-how, motivation, and skills to market yourself as a writer!

Rachel Thompson, slightly smiling with medium, reddish-brown hair, looking up out a window.

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Building a platform before you publish a book is an unfortunate prerequisite for writers

Woman in white with black hair in a pony tail and a black handbag stands in front of a quickly moving train.
Woman with curly hair wearing glasses hiding behind a notebook.

To Attract an audience you need to stand out, But...

All of that attention-seeking can feel icky!

  • It’s especially challenging for introverts (raising my hand here).
  • Even when you get started, it can be hard to get results.
  • And it’s confusing to figure out all the constantly changing tools.
  • Plus, finding a marketing “voice” feels so awkward!
  • Not to mention how scary it is to wade into the toxic stream on social media.

After Taking Platform Sparkle…

A woman laughs at her laptop. She has curly black hair and wears glasses.

You Will:

  • Find your online platform-building gaining momentum, while being simpler and less time consuming.
  • Have built a beautiful, functional, easy-to-use website all of your own that fits you and your goals.
  • Feel waaaay less awkward—nay, confident—about marketing yourself online.
  • Most importantly, you will have clarity about how to keep going to build and build your unique audience from your new strong platform.
Rachel Thompson

Hi, I'm rachel Thompson

Your Writer-Platform-building guide

I am an author, editor, and former website designer with over a decade of experience here to help you write, publish, and shine!

Here is what students had to say after learning with me:

This is a great course for getting past tech phobia and understanding the principles behind website branding for creatives. Rachel is a knowledgable, generous, and endlessly patient guide who understands the need to mesh image and voice with functionality.

Heather Diamond

The whole process has made me feel really empowered. I created a beautiful website that perfectly aligns with my goals as a writer. I feel like I now see myself as a serious writer, and I’m ready to start submitting my manuscript.

Lindsay Foran

The course helped me frame my vision of myself and my mission as a writer, which has increased my confidence when I communicate with editors, potential publishers and readers.

Deborah Elderhorst

I’ve learned about marketing myself, which is something that I’d never considered from a strategic standpoint. I created a website that I think is a perfect reflection of me as a writer. The course was also very introspective and philosophical. Who am I really, at the core, as a writer, person?

Rowan McCandless

Here are   4️⃣  things I promise you will find in this course:

A circle sketched in wine-purple colour.


There are so many moving parts and millions of options you can take to build a writing platform. With my guidance, you will find a path that is TRUE to YOU and that will help you reach your goals for your writing.

No matter how confusing and overwhelming platform-building can be…

you will find a path to a platform that fits who you are and your goals.

A circle sketched in wine-purple colour.


I recognize that this feels like a long shot! I know most writers would rather be writing, and building a platform feels far from a joyful experience, but when you take these steps to build a platform that is truly fitting of you and you begin to connect authentically and shine your unique light in the world to find your unique audience, I promise…

you will find pleasure—and even delight—as you build your sparkling platform.

A circle sketched in wine-purple colour.


You might feel like you’re hitting walls while building a platform because you’re just not cut out for a writing life. But, what you can’t see is how much we all are just figuring it out, too. My course community is full of kind, open-hearted, attuned writers who will help you feel seen, and…

I will be here to guide and support you to build a platform that will help you connect with your readers.

A circle sketched in wine-purple colour.


We write alone for the most part, but the truth is, writers often need help with motivation—especially when it comes to doing incremental things like building a platform. This course will help clear self-doubt and fear and flip them into self-confidence and action. I structure the course so that you know what to do next and feel motivated to take that next step, and…

You will find the inspiration, tools, and energy you need to do this.

Join the Waitlist to be Notified When the Course is Open

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